About Us / Turkey


About Us / Turkey

Organisation ID E10217624

School: Arnavutköy Osmangazi Ortaokulu

Osmangazi Secondary School is located in Arnavutköy, İstanbul. İstanbul is a cosmopolitan and big city but our school is situated in a small town called Hadımköy. With a population of 22.400 inhabitants, Hadımköy is near Istanbul Airport, which is one the biggest airport in the world.

Arnavutköy Osmangazi Secondary School was founded in 2008. There are about 1260 students enrolled in our school and the staff team consists of 62 teachers. Everyone in Hadımköy district can directly apply to the school and students come from various social backgrounds. Our institution is a state establishment for pupils between ages 11-15. The staff aim to teach lessons such as Turkish Language, Social Studies, Science, Maths, English, Music, Visual Arts, Information Technologies and Software and Physical Education at school. As Osmangazi Secondary School, we aim to build strong relations between teachers and the pupils. The school’s profile is health, nature and environment. We attach great importance to outdoor education and for this reason, a small zoo and greenhouse have been arranged in the school garden. Pupils and the staff take care of the animals and they grow vegetables in the greenhouse although our school is located in a big city, our aim is to make students build strong relations with nature in the city life.

Moreover, our school is equipped with technological devices for all students in all ages and levels. There are smart boards in all of the classrooms at school and also different IT tools such as Ipads, PCs which suit the work at hand the best. The school achieves good results, taking their grades into consideration and the students are well prepared for further studies when they graduate from the school. In our district, there are many other independent schools but our school is ranked 1st or 2nd in the district in terms of success rate and participation in science projects. The school introduces different projects /themes every year and holds exhibitions of the pupils work in TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Science Fair. The management of the school also participates in a coordination group for students’ health together with the schools of the community, social services and primary health care as we strongly believe that students’ rate of success depends on their good state of health and wellbeing to a large extent.

Osmangazi Secondary School plays an important role in the district and cooperates with other schools. Our school also achieved great success in sports competitions and after school activities. For instance, in 2019, we ranked first in the chess tournament, first in table tennis and a basketball tournament in 2018, first in archery and third in a table tennis tournament in 2017, competitions which were held in Arnavutköy district.

Country Turkey

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